Garner Ted Armstrong, CGI parting and regrouping
250 meet for 'Footsteps' in Oklahoma (The Journal
reports from on the spot)
Sabbath-keepers' user's-group meeting set for Denver, Colo.
Why would council of elders of United remove David Hulme from presidency?
Two council members report on Arcadia meetings, firing
- Letters from our readers
Brethren must always be looking to God's Apostle (column by Dave Havir)
Is The Journal a spiritual tabloid? (column by Melvin Rhodes)
Are the churches paralyzed by fear? (editorial by Bill Stough)
When is fear a four-letter word? (editorial by Scarlett Stough)
Shouldn't the Church of God have ordained leaders? (essay by a Global Church of God elder, Doug Winnail)
The soul debate: When comes consciousness after death? (essay by Samuele Bacchiocchi)
Global and United churches meet together in Germany
CGI wants visibility, contact with other Church of God groups
Garner Ted Armstrong says it is 'necessary' to begin again (The Journal interviews Mr. Armstrong)
Ken Westby talks about the 'East Coast Rebellion' of 1974 (a Journal interview with Mr. Westby in
Colorado Springs). Was Mr. Westby really the bad guy in this early split?
They say the best Friend is always a great listener (column by Jamie Cartwright)
Better get ready for the bytes of the millennial bug (article by Drury Marc Sylvester)
2000 is almost here; what can you do? (also by Mr. Sylvester, a sidebar to above article)
IBLC names new officers , renews service emphasis
Dutch employee fired; brethren coming to his aide (about the termination of Jan Zijderveld)
Open letter from Monica Kieffer to council gives Jan Zijderveld chronology
In their words: How are United and Global different? (article by Robert J. Thiel)
Friend of Basil remembers encounters with the toon man (a tribute to Basil Wolverton by Brian Knowles). The
print version includes Mr. Wolverton's award-winning depiction of "Lena the Hyena," judged the ugliest girl in Lower Slobovia by Salvador Dali, Boris Karloff and Frank Sinatra.
Ron Dart set to visit Florida fellowship
CGI launches 'Armor of God' on TV
Harvest Cos. and The Journal plan joint advertising effort
- Notes and quotes