Sharon Anders requests your prayers for her eyesight. She is almost blind.
Scotty Brown, 20 (grandson of Buddy and Faye Brown), reported for duty at Ft. Hood on Aug. 18. Please pray for him, his wife Katie, and daughter Mackenna, as well as his parents and grandparents.
Tracy Cruze, 1114 E. 22nd, Ste. 2, Hibbing, MN 55746, prayer for enlarged hernia.
P.F. Lazor, imprisoned for almost 21 years, will be coming up for pardon soon.
Alana Lewis, 55, diagnosed with liver cancer.
From Bob Wertz, Harrisburg, Pa.: 15-year-old Stephen Fedoriw was struck by a car while riding his bike Aug. 19. He is in ICU in Hershey Medical Center and on life support. Please pray for Stephen and family. You are invited to join Stephen's support group of family and friends. To visit his personalized CarePage, go to www.carepages.com, register and enter the exact name: stevenF (lowercase except for capital "F").
Gloria Neely, 6498 Surfside Cove, Gulf Breeze, FL 32563, x-ray showed a nodule in her chest.
Art and Linda Salmon, Kansas City, Missouri area, request prayer for their 15-year-old son suffering from complications of an emergency appendectomy.
Sean Tull, Detroit, MI, area, suffering from a flesh-eating virus, believed to have been contracted through a bee sting.
George Anderson, 78, double pneumonia.
Annie, breast cancer.
Ron Clark, suffering from cancer.
Charles Green, heart problems.
Maxine Kappel, Tulsa, Okla., hip surgery.
Grant Bierman, 16101 Windham Dr., Little Rock. AR 72206, eye problems.
Dennis Blackburn, Frisco, Texas, stroke, Factor V Leiden gene mutation and surgery recovery from small tear in left ventricle.
Jewel Dunn, 510 Stark Dr., Mt. Pleasant, TX 75455, undetermined neck problems.
Clif Howard, 52, multiple injuries due to fall from ladder.
Denzil Hughes, 14072 CR 227, Arp, TX 75750, broken neck, surgery not decided, in brace for 6-8 weeks.
J.J. Jordan, Dallas area, back surgery pending after the Feast of Tabernacles. |
Alan Kendall, 100 Northcote St., Aberdare NSW 2325, Australia, angiogram and probable angioplasty.
Anita Maynard, 500 CR 3324, Pittsburg, TX 75686 (daughter-in-law of Marvelle Maynard), three surgeries planned for carpal tunnel syndrome and herniated disc.
D. (Mac) McLinn, Springfield, MO, grandson (premature), bowel infection, surgery pending.
James and Joseph, need encouragement.
Sharon McMahon, 5440 Descanso Cir. W., Colorado Springs, CO 80918, hernia.
Billy Mitchem, 257 CR 2603, Pittsburg, TX 75686, diverticulitis.
Juan Ortega (Alamagordo, NM), c/o Ann Van Westen, 15741 CR 196, Tyler, TX 75703, recovering from colon cancer surgery and chemotherapy.
Pat Perrette, 145 Lakeview Ave., S. Plainfield, NJ 07080, lump in lungs, biopsy, cataract surgery pending.
Doris Pope, 2019 N. Moore Ave., Oklahoma City, OK 73141, recovering from hip replacement surgery.
Luis Ray, 26, San Antonio, TX, hit by electricity while on roof.
Bill Rieck, Sr., kidney stones, surgery pending.
Mary Rotunda, heart attack, internal bleeding, blood infection.
Mitchell Lee Smith III, son of Gary and Aimee, 104 Crepe Myrtle Rd., Whitehouse, TX 75791, premature, at East Texas Medical Center in Tyler, Texas, for observation.
Margaret Smith, Seminole, Fla., pancreatitis.
Kenneth J. Stout (uncle of Bill Tessore), final prostate cancer treatment.
Julie (Cain) Ward, Alabama, rheumatoid arthritis. |
Mike Clausen
From Paul Herrmann: Mike Clausen died (about a month and a half ago). He was a member of the Living Church of God and attended in Baton Rouge, La. Mike's wife receives mail at 1352 SE Railroad Ave., Ponchatoula, La. 70545, U.S.A. |
Dan Bierer

Dan Bierer, a minister in the Worldwide Church of God for many years, died Aug. 5. Mr. Bierer pastored three congregations, White Plains, Armonk (Westchester) and Manhattan, N.Y. He is survived by his wife, Alice, and three children. Mrs. Bierer receives mail at 204 Squaw Brook Rd., North Haledon, N.J. 07508. |