Notes and quotes Journal staffer under the weather LONEDELL, Mo.--A frequent writer for The Journal learned Aug. 22 he has a massive blood clot in a leg. Bill Stough, whose latest article for this newspaper begins on page 1 of this issue, spent three days in St. Joseph Medical Center in Kirkwood, Mo., but is back home and back at work as a self-employed electronics technician, even though his doctor said his situation is still serious. The Stough family and The Journal request your prayers for Mr. Stough's recovery. Free calendar calculator FARMINGTON HILLS, Mich.--Alan Ruth of Barnabas Ministries and the Biblestudy.org Web site has located a free program designed to print a "detailed Holy Day calendar, with dates, for any year you want!" Access the program at http://BibleStudy.org/hdcal/hdcal.html or http://www.cbcg.org/Calendar/index.html. 287 more lessons IRVINE, Calif.--Mordakhai Joseph and Dale Stogner, both of Irvine, announce the completion of 287 new lessons about the New Testament, each 45 minutes long, as part of a continuing "Teaching the Law" instruction series. Mr. Stogner said the series includes 434 lessons so far, which are available as downloads in MP3 format and as cassette tapes or CDs for "a nominal charge" to cover expenses. For the MP3 files visit www.biblesabbath.org. For the tapes or CDs write the Bible Sabbath Association, 3316 Alberta Dr., Gillette, Wyo. 82217, U.S.A. Big Sandy invitation BIG SANDY, Texas--The board of trustees of the Church of God Big Sandy offered the use of the church's building to New Zion Baptist Church of Winona, Texas, after the collapse of New Zion's roof last month. The seven board members voted unanimously to invite New Zion to use the Sabbath-observing church's facilities every Sunday morning until the Winona congregation could repair its building or find new facilities. However, after church member Wayne Weese of Big Sandy contacted the New Zion group, he reported back that the church had already made arrangements to meet elsewhere. Corner on creation INDIANAPOLIS, Ind.--A new book called Creation Corner is available for the asking from C. Frazier Spencer at (317) 859-0391, frazier@corecomm.net or 7534 Inverness Dr., Indianapolis, Ind. 46237, U.S.A. Mr. Spencer compiled the volume from eight articles he wrote for two Sabbatarian Christian publications, Servants' News and Sabbath Sentinel. Mr. Spencer, a Sabbath-keeper since 1964 and a retired mortgage banker, is a voracious reader with a special interest in science and nature. His series of articles began as a legacy project for his grandchildren. ABC nears year's end MILFORD, Ohio--The United Church of God reports its Ambassador Bible Center completed its fourth school year Aug. 10 with the graduation of 41 students. According to the August issue of United News, faculty member Gary Antion said the class of 2003 was one that "distinguished itself by being attentive in class and by being service oriented." The next ABC term begins in January. New phone church? CARSON CITY, Nev.--Dean Neal, known for his fiery preaching in Connections, the advertising section of The Journal, announces he is thinking about starting up his telephone-based Sabbath services again. Here is part of Mr. Neal's forthright statement to The Journal: "If enough true saints who are tired of putting up with greedy, thieving, tithe-demanding false ministers would like a Sabbath conference phone hookup, they can write or phone me." To cast your vote for Mr. Neal's wired church, write him at P.O. Box 20496, Carson City, Nev. 89721, U.S.A., or phone him at (775) 882-3510. The date of the Passover LOVELAND, Colo.--For a free booklet by David R. Kenders of Word of Truth Ministry on the timing of the Passover, write him at 7411 WCR 24H, Loveland, Colo. 80538, U.S.A., or drkenders@myexcel.com. Or phone (970) 667-6616. In Passover: A Set Time and Date, Mr. Kenders cites five passages in the New Testament to argue for his view that the Passover comes early on Nisan 14. The subject of the dating of the Passover is too important "to risk hearing Yahshua say depart from me, I don't know you," said Mr. Kenders. Mr. Kenders distributes several other booklets and tapes, by himself and by John Trescott of Anadarko, Okla. TV negotiations TYLER, Texas--The Church of God International reports it is negotiating for broadcast time on a national television network. A news release said the church "hope[s] to have exciting news within the next few weeks." Visit the CGI on the Web at www.cgi.org. |
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