Phoenix brethren sponsor Guardian speaker The writer is pastor of the Greater Phoenix Church of God. By Bob Simpson SCOTTSDALE, Ariz.--Brethren came here from nine church and fellowship groups and as far away as Wisconsin and North Carolina as a result of an ad the Greater Phoenix Church of God placed in The Journal announcing that David Antion of Guardian Ministries would be guest speaker here Feb. 22. Ninety-six people gathered at Orange Tree Golf Resort in Scottsdale the Sabbath of Feb. 22 for a day of worship and fellowship sponsored by the Greater Phoenix Church of God. Mr. Antion, of Pasadena, Calif., was our guest speaker on that day, nearly a year to the day after the last time he spoke here. The day's activities Services began at 10:30 a.m. with songs led by John Vondahaar. Ron Kearney made announcements. Special music was provided by Harry Gunderson, Ashlee Shortridge and Tonya (Cookman) Vondahaar. A special skit followed that portrayed the release of Barabbas from prison while in the background the song "Amazing Grace" could be heard. The participants were Mr. Vondahaar, Mr. Gunderson and Mrs. Vondahaar. Mr. Antion spoke on the "grace of God." The congregation provided a beautiful buffet lunch on the outdoor patio overlooking the golf course. The day was spectacularly beautiful. Credit for the arrangements of the hotel and the food goes to Donna Kearney, who took meticulous care to be sure everything was just right. At 2 p.m. everyone gathered again for a question-and-answer session with Dr. Antion that lasted until after 3 p.m. Most wanted to hear more about his special topic, the grace of God. Unity and peace "The love of the brethren was evident as people from various church organizations and fellowship groups came together in unity to worship God and to hear His Word expounded," said one participant. "One would say there was a unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace."This issue of The Journal includes many photos and several other graphics, besides the Connections advertising section. Don't forget to subscribe to the print version of The Journal to read all the news and features previewed here. |
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