Deluding themselves Second, most of the people in my circle of life recognize the folly of people who believe that their nice little service projects are in some way fulfilling some biblical directive. Just because a service project can be helpful to an audience (and the participants) does not mean it is fulfilling scriptures in the Bible. It is not wise for people who do service projects to ruin their ultimate value by exalting themselves. (Remember Matthew 23:12.) Some people don't realize how foolish their proclamations make them appear to other people both inside the Church of God and outside the Church of God. Deluding others Third, most of the people in my circle of life recognize when other people use their rhetoric about their service projects to control other people. What is the purpose for people to try to control other people? Power. Money. Some leaders seek to convince followers to view them as extremely important. Therefore the service projects must be advertised as more important than they really are. Of course, religious salesmen do not rely only on positive advertising. They use negative advertising to influence the audience to view the service projects of others as inferior. Sometimes they even resort to belittling other people doing other service projects. The Father sees it Back to the idea of aquarium-dipping: Remember that aquarium-dipping is stealing members from other Church of God groups. Let me conclude with the following two truths: Our Father in heaven knows those who have been doing aquarium-dipping naively. He will help people recognize their error. Our Father in heaven also knows those who have been doing aquarium-dipping deliberately. Just because He lets it continue does not mean He has not noticed (Ecclesiastes 8:11). |