Expanding ministry ARLINGTON, Texas--The Church of God Dallas-Fort Worth "has transitioned over the years into a broader, more far-reaching ministry," reports pastor Dianne McDonnell. "We have renamed this outreach program Freedom Ministry," Mrs. McDonnell said. "We have a brand-new colorful Web site with an upbeat new design," replacing the previous site. "You will still find the vitally important biblical articles as well as two videos that can be watched online and many new articles," she said. Visit Mrs. McDonnell and friends at http://www.freedom-ministry.com/. Raymond McNair booklets LONDON, England--John Jewell announced that he has a small number of copies of three booklets written by the late Raymond McNair. "Mr. McNair was well known for his writing ability and especially his research and study," Mr. Jewell said." The booklets are King David's Everlasting Dynasty, Solving the Arab-Israeli Impasse and America and Britain in Prophecy. For a copy or copies write BCM, What Next, London WD1N 3XX, England. Or E-mail whatnext@pobox.com. See radio4living.com for the What Next broadcast and more information. Fellowship Choir MOUNDS, Okla.--Ray Kurr, director of the Tulsa Fellowship Choir, has a new Web site that features free downloadable music: fellowshipchoir.com. Personality types of Revelation 2-3 SARASOTA, Fla.--The seven churches of Revelation 2-3 are "personality types," not church eras, says John L. Smith Jr. Mr. Smith has created a Web site to answer questions from Church of God members. The site, kingdomofpriests.org, chronicles "the ending of the withholding of the Southern Kingdom's 'Sceptre Blessing' (1934) through the 'Abomination that Makes Desolate' that occurred on Aug. 31, 1996, at the field house at Ambassador (College) University in Big Sandy, Texas, to those scattered at this present time," Mr. Smith wrote. Mr. Smith said he is not attempting to start another "splinter 'church.'" Sabbath meditations ZIMMERMAN, Minn.--Tony Stith has announced a new blog, sabbath-meditations.blogspot.com. Mr. Stith's site contains Christian-living articles from "a Sabbath keeper's perspective." |