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A mother's written
words are precious

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A mother's written
words are precious

by Dave Havir
The writer is a regular columnist for The Journal and pastor of the Church of God Big Sandy.

KUNKLETOWN, Pa.--After our mother (Camilla Gill of Kunkletown) died on Sunday, June 6, 2010, we had a memorial service on Thursday, June 10. At this celebration of her life we heard many wonderful eulogies by family and friends.

I would like to share some words my brother John used in his comments about our mother.

He began by referring to Proverbs 31 (which begins with "the words of King Lemuel, the utterance which his mother taught him").

John noted the value of words that describe what a mother can teach her son. Then he proceeded to read a letter our mother had given him at the time of his marriage in 1988. (John married Bonnie Collins on Nov. 6, 1988.)

Following are excerpts from the letter.

Dear John,

This is just a note to my son from your mother who loves you very much and wishes you and Bonnie much happiness in your marriage and whatever else you set out to do.

I am not very good at the spoken word, but I will try to express my thoughts and feelings on paper.

I do feel very good about your marriage. You waited a long time for this moment and you too must feel and know that the time is right. So do work at it and be happy.

My happiness and love have always extended to my children. When they are happy, I am happy. When they are sad and having problems, I am sad and go through their problems with them mentally.

[My mother-in-law] Gram [Havir] was also like this, although she was a little more vociferous.

My Dad [James Harris] was also this way. It's a shame that you never got to know him. He raised five children (four girls, no less) without a mother around. [Edith Harris, died from tuberculosis.]

He made us feel important and have enough self-esteem that we felt we could tackle anything worthwhile.

He had time to play games and give us his attention and time (what little time he had left over after working ten hours a day).

These are things that I tried to pass on to all of you [two girls and two boys] and I truly hope I didn't fail any of you.

Be kind and patient with one another. Listen to what is being said, not what you think is being said. And just remember--love goes deeper than sex.

I guess I've said enough, although I really am not able to convey my real thoughts and emotions on paper either.

Give my love to Bonnie.



PS--Be happy!!!


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