TEMECULA, Calif.—Longtime Church of God member and former Worldwide Church of God evangelist Raymond F. McNair died Oct. 11, 2008. Mr. McNair, 78, in recent years reportedly battled prostate cancer. He was founder and president of the Church of God 21st Century, headquartered in the San Diego, Calif., area. A Church of the Eternal God elder visiting Mr. and Mrs. McNair from his home in Summerland, B.C., Canada, Rene Messier, was present at the time of Mr. McNair's death and referred to Mr. McNair as another of the "old lions" of the Church of God movement who are passing from the scene. Another Canadian friend of the McNairs, James Ludvigson of Penticton, B.C., spoke fondly of his friend. |
 Raymond and Eve McNair October 2005 |
| Mr. McNair's death "saddens me," Mr. Ludvigson said, and "it just seems we're at that stage in the work where several of the old leaders are having severe health problems, as are the members. The natural attrition in the Church of God speaks for itself. It's a sad testament, but we just have to bond together and continue praying that the developing of the work will go ahead in God's orderly plans."
Mr. McNair's survivors include his wife, Eve. |
| Raymond McNair - 1957
| | | Write Mrs. McNair at: P.O. Box 893909, Temecula, Calif. 92589, U.S.A.
Visit the COG 21st Century's Web site at www.cog21.org. | |
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Dear family and friends, By now many of you have heard the sad news regarding the death of my dear husband, Raymond McNair. Through his five year ordeal he never complained nor asked, "Why me Lord?" He trusted God knowing he would be delivered either through death or divine healing. "Not my will, but yours O Lord," were words he often repeated. My husband’s convictions were as Paul’s,
"I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith! Henceforth, there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the Righteous Judge, shall give me at that last day; and not to me only, but unto all men also that love His appearing. " (2Timothy 4:7-8).
I wish to thank all who have so kindly and passionately reached out to comfort me in my distress. The future for me will be difficult at first, and at times lonely. But the hope in me will keep me going, remembering God’s promises that my husband and I will be together again, standing before our Father and Jesus Christ to hear those familiar words, "Well done, thou good and faithful servants." Sincerely, Eve McNair | |