It's been a while since his previous issue, but Norman Edwards has just published Vol. 12, No. 1, of Servants' News, a "newsletter for servants of the Almighty Eternal Creator, wherever they may be."
The 64 pages of the July-August 2008 issue include "Are Sermons Biblical?" by Roj. Beaumont; "Treasures in Heaven" by John E. Robinson; "The State of the Church Today"by Michael R. Zaeske; "The Chronology of the Old Testament" by Floyd Nolen Jones; "Why Our Children Are Not Continuing the Faith" by John Qavah; "People of the Passover: From Best to Worst," by Mr. Edwards; and several articles to update readers on the Port Austin Bible Campus, or PABC.
Original mission
Speaking of the PABC, Mr. Edwards informed The Journal that he seeks "individuals or a group that would first make it financially possible to do our original mission or a similar mission here at Port Austin."
The original PABC mission was to operate a boarding school for young Sabbatarian Christians on the 30-acre grounds of a former Air Force base near Port Austin, Mich.
As reported in The Journal of July 31, 2004, Mr. Edwards envisioned the school as a place to educate young people in Bible basics and help them "prepare for ministry within their marriage, family, church and community," including the learning of "life-sustaining skills."
Further, it would serve "older brethren" by providing a way for retired people to serve at the facility as mentors and teachers.
Things have not worked out for the PABC and its mostly volunteer staff the way Mr. Edwards had hoped. A protracted legal battle involving Mr. Edwards and other Church of God members who were originally his supporters in the project ended in an out-of-court settlement in November 2007.