Prayer Requests |
Norma Malone of Oklahoma City was recently diagnosed with thyroid cancer. Surgery is pending.
Stacey Callaway of Tyler, Texas, was diagnosed with a colloid cyst (benign) of the brain. She has also experienced blurred vision, though the cyst is not thought to be causing that problem.
| Annie Ruth Bell of Longview, Texas, ovarian cancer.
Marty Tarkany, 1277 Camp Creek Rd., Waynesville, OH 45068, lung problems.
Linda Berkey, 600 S. Chestnut St., Scottdale, PA 15683, undergoing chemotherapy treatments for breast cancer.
Jerry Ross is requesting prayers for his daughter Audra McKinley, 25, of Vancouver, B.C. She has experienced migraine headaches for years and recently doctors discovered a growth behind her left eye. Further tests pending.
Gordon Barron, host of a Sabbath-keeping group in Sherwood, Ore., is battling prostate cancer.
Luccio, of Gainesville, Fla., was thrown from his horse and then stepped on by his horse. Brain surgery was required. His speaking ability has been affected.
Kranda Politte, recovering from car accident.
Doris Pope, 298 N. Moore Ave., Oklahoma City, OK 73141, recovering from hip surgery.
Dudley Primeaux, tumor in colon.
Elaine Rauch, 2763 Evergreen Dr., Edgewater, FL 32141, is facing surgery for cancer and would appreciate prayers and cards of encouragement.
Barbara Schmitt, breast cancer.
Alan St. Clair, 14200 Rd. 284, Porterville, CA 93257, cancer.
| Suzy Klophin, Wisconsin, recovering from bone cancer surgery.
Obituaries |
Jerry Kuipers
Jerry Kuipers of Las Vegas, Nev., passed away on Friday, March 10, from congestive heart failure. Please keep his wife, Julie, and the Kuipers family in your prayers. Cards may be sent to Mrs. Julie Kuipers, 7955 Wishing Well Rd., Las Vegas, NV 89123.
| Lia Cryer 
Lia Cryer of Felt, Okla., died Mar. 26, 2006, succumbing to colon cancer. She was laid to rest in the Bertrand Cemetery in Felt on Monday, March 27. She is survived by her husband, Melvin Cryer, HC 1 Box 43, Felt, OK 73937, one daughter and son-in-law, Jimmy and Eva Lawrence, Clayton, N.M.; one son and daughter-in-law, Michael and Leona Cryer, Felt, Okla.; and four grandchildren, Tiffany, Meghan And Austin Lawrence and Isaac Cryer. Lia was originally from Yugoslavia. During World War II she and her family were interred in the Nazi concentration camps. She had a tattooed number on her arm. Her stories of the terrible conditions in the camps and the instances when she watched others die so she could take whatever food or coverings they had so she could survive were chilling. Some time after immigrating to the United States she was baptized into God's church (she had been raised Catholic). She had been a strong witness for her faith throughout the years. No minister was able to give a sermon before her without her calling any doctrinal points into question. She was a devout Bible scholar. Please remember family and friends in prayer.
| | Max Martin
Max Martin, of England, disabled for many years, passed away recently. He had been associated with the Church of God for more than 40 years. Please remember his family and friends in your prayers.