
Calling all Sabbatarians

RALEIGH, N.C.--The Sabbath Sentinel, the magazine of the 50-year-old Bible Sabbath Association, is soliciting news of Sabbath-keeping individuals and groups.

You may send news and announcements of seminars, conventions and church activities to share with other Sabbath-keepers to The Sabbath Sentinel, in care of June Narber Harrison, at or 6325-9 Falls of Neuse Rd., No. 193, Raleigh, N.C. 27615, U.S.A.

Mrs. Harrison said the magazine attempts to reach all Sabbatarian individuals, churches and other organizations "in an attempt to encourage understanding and cooperation among all Sabbath-keepers," regardless of doctrine. "We also desire any article contributions you would like to make. We request that it be original material, not previously published in any other publication or on the Web."

Mrs. Harrison, a BSA director, is married to Lars Harrison, editor of The Sabbath Sentinel.

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